onsdag 18 december 2013

A good approach to genealogy

Challenge Get a good habit of working with genealogy

Next step

  1. Get advice from others
  2. Do a training Släktforskning grund where the teacher Ulf Berggren is well skilled in Blacksmiths
  3. Read a book Mastering Genealogical Proof  ( on goodreads)
  4. Start using FTM 2014 better see my blog about ancestry.com

Good article how to check Family tree Manager FTM what quality you have

How to work with Notes

About research notes and private notes in FTM2014

Videos how to use Notes ==> for every person Crista Cowen recommends to create a story in time order of the person with question marks etc see video below. In Family Tree Maker(FTM) you have also the possibility to have research notes where you explain what you have done and how you will progress see below the section creating a research plan.

Personal Notes are also seen in the web interface...

How do I add Notes to FTM?
Creating a Research Note report

Notes in Family Tree versus Ancestry
In Family Tree Maker you can create a variety of notes: person, research, fact, relationship, media, and source citation. When you upload a tree to Ancestry only person notes will be included; they can only be viewed by people you have invited to your online tree. All Notes are since FTM2014 synced with the Ancestry.com Tree and synced back if you loose your tree

Handling Sources

Evidence explained is the bible. There is a website and a book. https://www.evidenceexplained.com

Ancestry insider om citations
Citations Principles for Genealogy Record Publishers

Creating a research plan

Article in Family Tree Magazine about creating a research plan

Crista Cowens advice see article Five steps to Doing Genealogy research as a Pro

Video from Crista Cowen about the subject.

Jan Granath om att etablera en sanning och kolla sina källor. Att dom källor som är upprättade när händelsen ägde rum är dom mest riktiga. Födelseböckerna vs. husförhör

Charts and Forms from Ancestry
Transcription standard for citations?

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