torsdag 21 maj 2015

Different trees

The new cool tool to display ICW In common with and cluster them if they have more ICW also gives a good way to better understand different trees..

I created a post on FB to ask other people to display what they have see link


Magnus Tree that is rather spread over the whole Europe

In FTDNA I have 270 people in my FF result list
Recording to another tool 120 of those people has a family tree uploaded

If I select 
"show matches without ICW" 
* and have selected Show matches > medium cM ==> 48% are matches without

44% with uploaded family tree
10% with no ICW

If I check the circles and have selected Show all matches > medum cM ==> 10% are matches without ICW

The above family tree is rather spread over Europe see picture below or wikitree

Skåne gene pool

A rather small genepool

In FTDNA we have 240 people in the FF result list
Recording to another tool 98 of those people has a family tree uploaded

==> 40% with uploaded family tree
==> 10% with no ICW

Show all relations ==> ICW with no other ICW 10%

Show > Median cM ==> ICW with no other ICW 30%

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